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Customer’s Metallic Purple Shabby Chic Dressing Table

One of our fantastic customers, Justine Bowers, created a metallic purple Shabby Chic dressing table for her daughter’s new bedroom…

(Pssst… read to the end to get our 20% off discount code!)

Justine’s Shabby Chic Dressing Table Before & After

I decided to move my 7 year old daughter into a bigger bedroom which already had the dressing table in. She had asked for a sparkly purple room so I was really happy when I saw that I could get [Rainbow’s] sparkly purple paint for the table!

Shabby Chic Dressing Table BEFORE

I had already seen reviews saying that a little would go a long way and…when I came to use it, it was just as I expected. I gave the wood a light sanding and then painted on 3 thin coats. Because of other things going on this was done over 2 days which gave each coat ample time to dry thoroughly but it could have been
done in one day if I had the time.

I used a 250ml tin which has given me 3 coats on the dressing table, 3 coats on the frame of a chair to match and enough left over to do touch ups for
the next few years!

Create Your Own Shabby Chic Masterpiece Today!

We love it when you share your Shabby Chic creations with us! If you want your before / after images featured on our blog, send your images to us via our Facebook page, or by emailing…

Check out our full range of matte and metallic colours here, or add a tin of our Metallic Purple directly to your basket using the product box below!



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