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9 Tips To Get Great Results From Your Glass Writing Pens This Christmas

Writing on glass with glass writing pens can be a hard task if you’ve never done it before. Even for the experienced pensmith, there’s always something to learn.

That’s why we’ve gathered…

Nine top tips to get fantastic results from your glass writing pens this Christmas:

1) Plan your design!

It might seem like an obvious thing to do, yet many people venture into their projects without a clue as to what they want it to look like at the end.

A plan can be as simple as a sketch on a notepad or as complicated as you like. It’s really up to your personal preference on this one.

If you’re planning some Christmas art, check out these fantastic ideas.

To get the most out of your plan, follow the next two tips carefully!

2) Template

Creating templates for your project can be the key you need to start creating professional looking images.

The easiest way to create a template is to get the image or text that you want on a computer and print it off. Then, just cut out the image or text, tape it to your window and trace around it. Easy.

3) Alignment

The best templates in the world can’t save you from shoddy alignment. If just one bit of text or one image looks wonky, your entire project will look wrong.

Using your sketch from earlier, your templates, a ruler and a level, mark out where you want everything to go on your window. If you’ve done it right, when you step back and look, your templates will all be aligned perfectly.

4) Erasing

Get this right or you’ll end up with smudges everywhere on your project.

Use a damp cloth for large corrections and a cotton bud for small ones. Once you’ve wiped away your error, make sure the window is dry with a towel before reapplying your design.

If you aren’t getting great results with warm water, try using this cleaner.


5) Practise writing upright

Writing on a mirror is easy, you can take it off the wall and place it horizontally on a table.

Windows are an entirely different matter.

Unless you’re a teacher you probably don’t have much experience writing on an upright surface. Teachers don’t get good at this overnight! They practise, and so should you.

If you are a teacher, take a look at how you can use glass writing pens in your classroom!

When you’re practising, try to keep the bottom of the pen above where you’re writing, this allows for optimised ink flow.

Though optimised ink flow might not sound like something you want to worry about, you’ll be thanking me when your pen keeps a steady flow of ink through your entire project.

6) Choosing a great colour scheme

With multiple colours to choose from in a rainbow glass marker pack, you don’t have to settle for a bland design.

In fact, we often have seasonal colour options where we tailor the pen sets for the time of year! Just check out our Christmas set below!

7) Clean surface to write on – both sides

Obviously having a clean surface to write on is important but lots of people forget to do the other side of the glass too!

Cleaning both the side of the glass that you’re using your glass writing pens on and the side you aren’t will help your design to sparkle!


8) Remember your design will look the wrong way round from one side!

This isn’t so important with images but if you’re writing text onto your window you really need to think about which side you want it to be read from.

If you’re inside and you want the text to be read from outside then you could always write everything backwards. Though the glass pens can be used outside, it will provide a longer lasting finish!

9) Get the right tools for the job!

Using the right glass writing pens will make your job so much easier. Rainbow Glass Writing Pens are perfect for the job, just check out the reviews on Amazon.

When used with our glass cleaner they provide a wonderful finish, great for business or personal use!

Check out our selection of glass writing pens here, or order yours now from the product box below!

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