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Glass markers for your business

Glass markers could be the solution to your disappointing window displays. And here’s how:

Save money

Advertising a sale can be costly and sale displays can be even more so. The alternative is to create your own signage but getting out the same old generic ‘sale’ signs can be about as interesting as watching grass grow. Yet, it doesn’t have to be expensive or dull.

Rainbow glass marker pens allow you to write on glass, so you can instantly create a colourful message, with all of the information you need, in a cost effective way. There’s no printing/advertising company to deal with either, all you need is a steady hand, a shop window and something to sell!

Save time

Ordering displays, or even designing your own, can steal time you don’t have. A glass marker can go as quick as you can. Just think about what you want to say, and write! It’s that easy. And there’s no lengthy clearing up process either, just get a damp cloth and wipe it off. It’s perfect for those opportunistic sales.

For example: Had a rainy day in August? Swap your sun hat window display with a quick umbrella sale from your winter stock and use your glass markers to create a personalised window display in minutes.

Increase footfall

Handwritten displays can look fantastically chic and trendy without costing the Earth. Not only will they look good but by doing something as simple as changing a small section of your display every week you can increase footfall. Just writing heart-warming quotes on your window every week is a simple and easy way to do this.

Engage with your customers

You can create an interactive display for your customers to write on. Just ask some of your regular customers to write you a recommendation on your window. Instead, if your dear patron hasn’t got the tidiest handwriting, get them to jot it down on some paper and get their permission for you to put it up. This will make your shoppers feel engaged with your business and provide social proof of your products/services within the community.

If you are feeling brave you can attach the glass pen to the outside or your window with a piece of string and allow anybody to write their comments!

Glass markers for YOUR window display

These are just a few of the ways you can use our Rainbow Glass Pens to enhance your window display. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VARIETY OF COLOURS AND NIB SIZES WE CAN OFFER and start planning your next window display.

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